The province is covering the remaining construction costs for a new community centre in Digby.
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Province Announces More Funding For New Digby Facility
Construction to start soon on African Nova Scotian Centre of Excellence in Digby County
Black community centre in Digby County gets $3M boost from province
A community centre imagined more than a decade ago by a Black community group in Digby County is one big step closer to reality with an injection of $3 million from the provincial government.
Digby RCMP partners with the Jordantown Acaciaville Conway Betterment Association
Digby RCMP has partnered with the Jordantown Acaciaville Conway Betterment Association (JACBA) to help build an African Nova Scotian Centre of Excellence in Acaciaville.
Living Legacies of Leadership
This last week we will focus on two African Nova Scotian communities demonstrating the living legacies of leadership left behind by the more than 50 historic African Nova Scotian communities. Each educating, connecting, and celebrating the rich history of African Nova Scotians in their respective areas.
JACBA Receives Green and Inclusive Community Buildings Funding
The Jordantown-Acaciaville-Conway Betterment Association (JACBA) received Green and Inclusive Community Buildings (GICB) program funding to support the construction of the Center of Excellence in Nova Scotia.